Sunday, October 15, 2017

What's New in October 2017

post (c) Angela Raines

I've three things to share in what I hope will be a monthly posting that I am using as a newsletter.

1.  When the hurricane hit the Houston area, I wanted to to something to help. Then Florida and Puerto Rico were hit, along with the fires in the Northwest/California. My contribution is to give 100% of the proceeds from the sale of four of my novellas. The proceeds from the sales from September 1 until December 31, 2017 will be divided between the four areas . This way I can give to readers and those who are in need. Having been through both fire and flood, these disasters are not a one and done or those trying to get their lives back.

The novellas are: “Lost Knight”, “Never Had a Chance”, “Gift of Forgiveness” and “Angel of Salvation Valley” You can access them from my Amazon Author Page at

Never Had a Chance: An Agate Gulch Story by [Raines, Angela]

If you feel so inclined a review would also be greatly appreciated.

2.  Around the second week of November I will have the release of my third Medieval story in an upcoming anthology from my publisher, Prairie Rose Publications. Watch their blog: and my facebook page: for the release date

3.  Research and writing of the novel are continuing. Mary and Edwin are finally cooperating and the history I've been looking for is coming out of hiding. At least the cover photo shoot is done and I'll be sharing photos in the next post. 

     I'm excited about this story. The main characters are older and have a lot of history behind them, but not necessarily with each other. The secrets and trouble in Mary's town have a way of sneaking up on me, and I'm enjoying each and every one.

Until next month, happy writing and reading. As always "smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to."

Angela Raines - author: Where Love & History Meet

For a list of Angela Raines Books: Here 

Photo and Poem: Click Here 
Angela Raines FaceBook: Click Here